Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Hope I Don't Jinx Myself

I hope I don't jinx myself by speaking about this outside of my TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) meetings, but I have not had a weight gain at any TOPS meeting in 2012.

Now I haven't lost a lot of weight, just a little under 6 pounds, but to not have had a gain is remarkable for me.  

I know that the day will come where the red pen will probably come out again, but I am very proud of myself. 

My TOPS goal for this year is to not "Eat My Words."  I am working hard to not put food in my mouth to keep from saying things I know I should not say.  

Of course, some people will say that I never censor my words, but that is not true.  I do censor my words when I am at work and in a few other situations. 

I hope I can stay on track and keep the bulk of my weight chart in the "black" this year.

1 comment:

Loni said...

I am proud of you!