Friday, February 10, 2012

What Happened to the Check?

My oldest came to see me this morning, or at least that is what he said he was doing.  Coming to see me, and also pay me the money he owes me.

He arrived later than he said, which is normal.  He had his checkbook, which is always a good sign.  He followed me around the house with the checkbook.  He picked up a pen.  He then asked me if I wanted to see what he got his girlfriend for Valentine's Day. (Aha, plot thickens.)

He opened the box I had on his desk, and showed me the gifts.  

We then sat on the couch where he held he pen over his open checkbook as if he was going to write a check.  He took a call from work.  He then picked pen back up and once again seemed to be on the verge of writing the check.  We talked for a few more minutes, and then he put his checkbook back in his pocket and said he needed to get to class.

I asked him what happened to "I am going to write you a check," and he said he couldn't remember how much he owed me.  I offered to look it up and then he said he would just give me an Amazon card for the amount.  

I asked him if he came to see me or get the box.  He said no he needed the box but he wanted to see me too.  Somehow I think he wanted the box more.  

It was good to see him, even if he did just want his box.

1 comment:

Loni said...

Check? You wanted a check? You have another child? Oh yeah, you do. Hang in there Mama!