Thursday, March 26, 2009

Grow Up Already!

No, I am not talking to my boys. There is a certain adult in my life that needs to grow up! What a baby. The whining, complaining, and immaturity is just more than I can take at times.

Spoiled, that is all I can figure. Spoiled and has never had to really work hard Today it was all I could do to hold my tongue. When we parted company I just got in my van and screamed.

The only great purpose this behavior has is that I can show it to my boys and tell them never ever to act like that because people will think about them like I think about this person.

At least I can blog about it and get it out of my system for the evening. That is the great thing about this blog. I can put down my thoughts and then move on.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

When did you sneak into my life and live it recently? I, too, have a person like that in my life. I so completely relate!