Sunday, March 29, 2009

Youngest Brought Home Bronze

The youngest competed in an UIL Computer Science meet yesterday and brought home the b
bronze medal for individual, and their team came in first. The youngest doubled his score from the last time. In fact, their team took Gold, Silver and Bronze and had the fifth place member too.

They will move on to regionals in a couple of weeks.

The only thing I am disappointed about is that the sponsor has already told the youngest that he will not be chosen to compete in the programming part of the competition because he will not be part of the school next year. They want to give others a chance to know what the competition is about. I have very mixed feelings about this because my youngest has worked really hard in this program and has been moving forward very quickly. I understand trying to ready future competitors, but what about rewarding hard work and sacrifice? I think that should be part of the equation too.

The oldest should be complimented here too. He is an assistant to the sponsor and helps ready the students for the competition and teaches in the meetings. He is also works the competitions by grading, taking the tests and looking for errors, etc. He is even thinking about continuing on if his schedule allows and the sponsor would like the help next year when the youngest has moved on.

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