Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Youngest Frustrated with Classmates

My youngest arrived at the van today all frustrated with his day and glad it was over. Evidently today was the day the students could go and get their class rankings. Youngest was not planning on bothering because he did not care, but he said he was hounded in every class, and that some of the students were saying he was ranked first, which we both knew he couldn't be due to his grades. He said classmates were swarming him in the halls asking his ranking.

He finally gave in and picked his ranking page up. He is ranked 15/260 with a 4.2 GPA. He said several of the people were disappointed he wasn't first. We are not sure why it was such a big deal unless bets were being placed. He was just glad that they started leaving him alone.

I'm proud of him, but it really does not matter since the school he is going to next year does not participate in class rankings.


Loni said...

i'm proud of him!!

Anonymous said...

Hu is number one in my book!! And not just for academics!!
