Sunday, March 8, 2009

Oh Man, I Cannot Believe I Did That!


The boys and I got up and readied ourselves for church this morning. We were all ready and getting ready to go out the door when the oldest said "Mom, we forgot Daylight Savings Time."

Well, no I did not forget it. Actually I almost changed my clocks yesterday morning when I knew I would be gone all day, but the oldest always does that for me. I even sent out a message to the church email reminding everyone to change their clocks or they would miss the Praise Band today. I was so angry with myself.

I remembered when we were out last night, and started to say something to the boys but they were talking about something else and I didn't want to interrupt. When I got home I was so worn out from my food reaction (see "Not Fair") that I answered a couple of emails, spent some more time being sick, and crawled into bed holding my stomach and hoping that I could relax my muscles enough to drop off. The clocks never came to mind again.

So a little change of plans. French toast breakfast, followed by church instead of the other way around today. We don't want to miss the Praise Band, they are wonderful.


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