Saturday, September 22, 2012

Orders Keep Coming

I don't know if everyone is just being nice, or people really like these eyeglass cases, but I had a request for four Thursday.  The money will still go to the church, but this person wanted me to know that they needed four.  I had already had several other requests, so I am going to make 24 cases, and hope they sell.  If not, everyone on my Christmas list will be getting an eyeglass case.

I made eight cases yesterday, so I only have 12 more to go.  It takes me a while because I have to coordinate the fabrics that I have and I am willing to give up, then I have to figure out how I want to quilt each one, make the yoyo, and hand stitch one side of the binding and tack down. Yes, I know I could do a lot more on the machine, but I don't like how that looks.  I also keep changing my threads out because I get bored and want to do something different. 

Thank goodness I found a series I hadn't seen before.  I am watching "Kingdom" while I do my hand stitching. 


Loni said...

If they do the bazaar again, then you'll need to start scoping out what will be next year's contribution. In the meantime, you gotta keep on cranking out this year's orders.

Unknown said...

They are very pretty! Of course, you know which ones are my favorites. At least you know people like your item since they are still making requests for more.