Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Language of Home

This video reminds me of home and all the great expressions I grew up with.

Whereas my dad really didn't have a southern accent, he did have words and expressions that came from growing up in Kentucky, but there were not necessarily "mountain talk."

I clearly remember my first encounter with a southern expression after we moved to KY.  I went to the mailbox in the middle of the day wearing my orthodontic headgear and ran into the man that lived next door.  He waved and said "Are you alright?" (To say it right you have to pronounce the "are" like "air".). I waved and said "Yes" and then promptly went in and told Mom I couldn't wear my headgear out in public because the man next door thought there was something wrong with me.  After about three trips into town without headgear I realized "Are you alright?" was "How are you?"

I also remember the first time I went into a store and they said "What can I do you for?" I remember looking at them and thinking "What?"  I still find it odd when I hear it. 

Although my mother and brother were always irritated by the "local speak, " I truly grew to love hearing the different expressions even though I never did use many of them myself.  I did pick up the accent which irritated my brother to no end.

I enjoy talking to my friends back home and hearing them use the phrases I heard all those years.  I get tickled when they say they miss my KY accent because now I sound Texan.  I always tell them not to worry, a few days back there and I will sound just like them again.

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