Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Out With the Old, On With the New

Anyone that has seen my ratty robe knows that I am not the best about replacing comfortable clothing, however I have been making a huge effort in that department this year. 

Ratty robe has been in the wardrobe since Christmas when my youngest finally found me a suitable replacement.  

I have spent a great deal of this year buying new bras when the are on sale and budget allows.  Enough so that I have now thrown away all of my old bras but three that still had some support left in them. I am keeping them around for weekends when I am working around the house or yard.  Which means I have enough new ones to go 2 weeks without doing laundry. 

I have also been throwing away older underwear with worn out elastic.  Last week I finally reached the point where I had thrown out enough underwear as to require new ones to be able to get through 2 weeks without doing laundry.  Thank goodness for back to school sales.

This morning I put on a new pair of underwear and came to a realization.  Your underwear is not supposed to sag to the back of your knees when you wear it.  I really do need to be more diligent about buying new underthings on a more regular basis. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just spewed coffee reading this! You know that I will go with you whenever you need to shop, as I love shopping!!