Friday, October 12, 2012

You Want Artificial Sweetening? Ask Someone Else

I have a reputation for saying what I think when I am asked my opinion.  I tell people up front, don't ask me if you don't want to know what I think because I will tell you.  No sugar coming out of my mouth once you ask me point blank to tell you my honest opinion. It is who I am and it gets me in trouble all the time because even the people who know me best and know what they are going to get don't like it. Which I don't get sometimes, because it is just my opinion, and after all, who am I? 

Can I sprinkle sugar on people, yes, but not artificial sugar.  I believe in the raw pure sugar variety.  If I don't like your dress, I am not going to tell you how nice it looks on you, no matter how many times you run your hand over it and tell me how great it feels, especially if I think it makes you look like a ten year old boy in a bright pink dress.  I'm going to say "I'm glad you like it."  You can't make me say "It looks great on you!"

In trying to find me this year, I realize this is not something I would change. Have I lost people in my life because of it? Yes.  Do I want to not be me in order to have these people in my life? No.

Have I been attacked over my opinion? Most certainly.  I can think of two very specific instances where I was smacked around over things I had said.  Did I smack back?  No I didn't.  I could have come up with a laundry list of grievances too, but I refrained.  Is not coming back with the hurts and irritations that they have caused spreading artificial sugar? No. I accept people for who they are.  I embrace quirkiness in others.  What I will not do is subject myself to spending a lot of time with people who do not accept me for me.  Once I know a person cannot accept me as I am, then I cannot be myself around that person, and then there is no point.  I don't like hanging around with people who I know are being fake, I really wouldn't want to be around a fake me.  

I don't feel bad about this part of myself.  I have people who call me on a regular basis asking for my opinion about a problem with their children, medical issues, and a myriad of other topics.  They all tell me the same thing, we know you will tell us your opinion.  They also know they don't have to take my word as the final say.  It is just another take on things.  

So if you want some artificial sweetening to get you through the day, please ask someone else.

1 comment:

mamabrown said...

That's what I love about you, kiddo! Saying what you think without hurting a person's feelings is an art we all should have. We are blessed to have you be you! I know that if I ask your opinion you will tell me the truth and not something I want to hear. Who needs that? Not me. Most people should want to hear what you have to say. Especially since you are an intellingent, kind, and loving person. You are unique and wonderful in your "quirkiness." Cookie cutter people are usually boring. You are not.