Sunday, April 26, 2009

Exposed or Not, They Are Still Lies

I'm in a horrible situation right now.

I know that someone is lying. I also suspect that this person is working very hard to hide the lies.

I suspect the lies are being told because this person wants to be seen as a leader without flaws. I just wish this person would understand that the flaws are well known, but the respect and the love is still there, so the lies are not needed.

I have been asked straight out if I think lies have been told. I know they have, but there is no way I can prove it.

The whole situation is extremely tense, and the lies are keeping everyone from finding a solution to the problem that caused the lies to be told. It is the problem everyone should be focused on, as it must be solved and soon.

I personally do not understand the point of the lies. It is extremely disappointing to me, and certainly lowers my opinion of this person.

I am working very hard to find a solution to this problem, without having to bring the lies to the surface. It is hard because several people have discovered the lies, but no one wants to confront the situation.

I will probably not get over that the lies were told, even though to date, they have nothing to do with me, because I think the lies hurt the whole. Also, exposed or not, they are still lies.

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