Wednesday, April 1, 2009

From My Oldest's Blog

This is from my oldest's blog. I really liked what he said. He is a terrific writer, always has been, I just wish he was more interested in writing.

What’s in the Name

March 26th, 2009

Hullo from life after vacation! Arkansas was pretty cool, I’ll discuss it later.

If I’m going to name this blog something strange, I should explain my rationale. Ambiguity is for freshman rhetoric and literature classes, not for idea blogs.

I Am About Us. With the advent of widespread communication, the internet being the most obvious and ubiquitous example, influence is no longer limited to our environment and the people and object that inhabit it. Instead, we are all, to some degree, the product of other peoples’ stories. We’re entirely capable of coming up with ideas of our own, but when we have those ideas, their development doesn’t stop there. We take other people’s ideas, notice the good and the bad in them, and use that to enhance, develop, and nurture our ideas.

Look at genres, for instance. We categorize media into things like comedy, romance, and drama, but works within each of those genres are drastically different; one doesn’t come out after watching a double feature of Little Miss Sunshine and Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life and think about all the similarities between the two. However, both relied on the fact that the creators already had some idea of what people found funny before they created the films through interaction with others. With instant-feedback worldwide communication, our perspective on our idea development is widened considerably.

This is communication. This is influence. This is the new creativity.

I am about us.

And, maybe, to some degree, you are about me.


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