Friday, April 29, 2011

Everyone Should Have a Village

I am fortunate enough to have a very large village.  My village is so large that it has people in subdivisions that have never met the people in other subdivisions. 

It is because of this village that I was able to get through my recent shoulder surgery with no hardships.  There was always someone there to drive me, make sure I had groceries/cooked food, take out the trash, unhook my bra, do laundry, etc. I cannot imagine trying to get through something like this on my own.

Just as my village was there for me, I try to be there for them.  I take late night phone calls, I give emotional support, and I still have one really good shoulder to cry on.  This week, one of my villagers needed a shoulder, an ear, jokes, and the promise that things would get better.  I am glad I was there for this villager, along with residents of her own village.  

I pray she will get through this time of her life with as little stress as possible, and remembering to take care of herself.  I also hope that through it all she remembers she is a strong, courageous, loving, kind, caring person who I admire immensely.  

I am here for you friend.

1 comment:

Loni said...

Yes, everyone should have a village... sometimes you are the caretaker in the village and other times you are the one being cared for. It is a great blessing to be on either side.