Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Will the 52nd Year Be?

I have been thinking about the theme for my 52nd year, having just finished the Year of Daring.  It was actually a pretty easy choice this year. 

My 52nd year is going to be the "Year of Taking Care of Me."  Now this is different than the"Year of Me."  The "Year of Taking Care of Me" is more about taking care of my mental and physical health. 

My last blood work showed a couple of areas I really need to work on again.  My cholesterol was back up after having been down, my vitamin D level is so low they are thinking prescription D if I don't get it up again, and my A1C was higher than last time.  So I need to take care of my health. 

I also decided to stop taking my anti-depressant at my last physical in March, which means, I need to make sure I take care of my mental health.  

The shoulder surgery means at least six months of regular rehab. Three of those months will be structured, but after that I am on my own, so if I want full range of motion, I will need to be motivated.  

The Trek Tri is coming up in October and since I am the walking part of the relay, I need to get back into shape with my walking too. 

The "Year of Taking Care of Me" will involve getting back on track with my meds, walking, staying with my eating plan, reducing my stress levels, trying to get more sleep, and a possible career change. 

So there are lots of areas where I need to "take care of myself" this year.   Better late than never I guess.

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