Saturday, March 3, 2012

Road Trip!

I have been jumping up in down lately to get in my car a take off.  Put my cds in the car, some cash in my billfold, and my credit card in my pocket (gas is expensive) and drive until my mind was clear and I was myself again.

I had the opportunity yesterday to go for a small drive.  Mina had a discogram and wanted to recover at Aunt T's.  It was a Friday so I was off work and told her I would love to take her.  I wasn't taking her for the road trip, I was taking her because I am the Mama and I wanted to baby her a little after her procedure.  It took the pressure off Stan since he had to work, and it did give me some time on the road.

Her procedure went as expected and even though there were some delays waiting for the doctor to call in a prescription, we were able to enjoy a glorious trip to Aunt T's. Mina was fully alert and we had good conversation and time alone together which is very rare.

On the way back I came down one of my favorite roads and truly enjoyed the early signs of spring.  

Other than Mina being in pain, it was pretty much a perfect day!

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