Monday, July 23, 2012

Great Weekend for Many Reasons

I had a very busy, productive quilting weekend, in addition to having  a full house for two nights.

I spent Friday and Saturday sandwiching a quilt and a table runner for quilting.  The quilt top had been pieced for over a year, and I had the panel for the table runner for almost a year.  

Both the quilt and the table runner will be hand and machine quilted.  I have made great progress on the hand quilting part of the table runner between last night and tonight.  

The table runner is for my foyer.  

Center of Stonehenge panel for table runner 
In addition to the quilting, Loni and I took in the Huey Lewis and the News/Joe Cocker concert Friday night.  The army boy in our lives is home for 2 weeks, which meant there were boys in the house Saturday and Sunday nights along with the lovely fiancee of one of the boys.  I also went to lunch and to Quilt Country in Lewisville with a friend on Sunday afternoon.  

Yes, a pretty great weekend.  Still had some sad moments since it was class reunion weekend and pictures of old friends were popping up on FB, but I made it through those moments just fine.  

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