Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It Wont' Be Long

It won't be long and all my boys will be gone.  They are all men now, and what wonderful men they have become.

My oldest is working, going to graduate school, and has a girl he says he will marry.

My youngest is on his way to 19, a junior in college, and pretty much does his own thing. He is living with me this summer, and hates to drive, so I get to spend lots of time with him, but he will be back on campus at the end of August.

My other boys, my sons' friends, some who have been a part of our lives for 17 years, are all graduates now, either from college or high school.  One will be getting married next July.  I love his fiancee, and they will soon have a house of their own and not hanging out here.  The army boy is leaving for Korea for 2 years. The dancer is still finding his way, and I am hoping it is close by, but without the other boys here, I won't see that much of him.  Several of the high school grads are leaving for colleges not close to home. 

It is going to be a huge transition for me after this summer. No more long nights of giggles (yes they still giggle) coming from the Man Cave.  No more hearing the door open and knowing there is someone here because they want to be here and not some where else. It makes me sad, but proud at the same time. We made it.  All the boys made it to this place in their life, and they only have great futures to look forward to from here on out.

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