Sunday, July 1, 2012

Traveling is Good for the Ego

One of my favorite things about the Alaska trip was how I  was mistaken for the boys' sister, not once but twice! 

The first time it happened was when I went down to pay for excursions at the ticket counter aboard ship. Our ticket agent was a very nice young lady, but she was a little confused as to why I was rooming with someone with a different last name and the boys were together in another room.  Once we had that all straightened out and the tickets had been purchased, she handed me the tickets and told me she hoped I had a great time in Alaska with my brothers.  I thought I heard her wrong and said "Pardon" and she repeated herself.  I told her she had just made the whole trip worthwhile. 

The next day when we were out on our hiking tour one of the other members of our group asked me if they boys were my brothers.  

I am sorry these two individuals had such poor eyesight, but I am thankful for them making me feel so young. 

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