Saturday, July 28, 2012

Don't Let it Be

I woke up with a barking cough this morning.  I am hoping it was the way I was laying in the bed and not a bronchial attack.  

Every time I am under too much stress, my lungs become weak and I get bronchitis.  When Raymond first got sick, I thought I would never get well.  Fortunately, the wonderful doctor we had at that time understood and if I just called in and coughed at the nurse he would call in all my prescriptions.  Unfortunately, he quit taking our insurance and we had to change doctors and she required a visit to prescribe for my bronchitis, certainly not convenient while in Houston.  Raymond's doctor was good enough to listen to my lungs a few times and prescribe when it got to the point that I could barely talk and couldn't leave Raymond to go to a clinic.

Hopefully a very hot shower, extra naps, and some relaxation will get me through this time, and with any luck at all there are a few puffs left on my last inhaler to relieve the tightness I am feeling. 

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