Sunday, January 2, 2011


Today would have Raymond and I would have celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary.  

I kept myself busy so I wouldn't have to think about it too much.  

I met Loni and Mina at the movies to see "How Do You Know" for the matinee.  It was really cute.  Paul Rudd's character reminded me a lot of Raymond when he gave Reese Witherspoon's character her birthday gift.

After the movie I met John at Home Depot for some shelving shopping, and then it was home to start working on my accomplishment for the day.  

Loni came over later in the day and I coached her through making her first quilt. She actually needed very little help, and her quilt turned out very nice.  

I managed to get 3 more triangles quilted on the baby quilt I am working on and have almost finished hand quilting another cat on Loni's quilt.  My shoulder wouldn't allow me to finish the cat tonight.

I only had one really bad spell today, and I recovered quicker than usual.  I still miss Raymond every single day, and our anniversary is never easy on me. 

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