Sunday, January 9, 2011

Accomplishment #9

Today's big accomplishments...
  • Laundry (For people who really, really know me, they know this is HUGE!)
  • Started cleaning out my bedroom closet from top to bottom.  I managed to get most of it back in, but my shoulder would only let me to so much.
I had a couple of outings planned with the boys today, but when the snow came in we changed it to a day at home.  The youngest and I watched a show together, then all of us watched "Ed Wood."  I believe in making sure the boys see the classics.
I made dinner for the youngest, and then dinner for the oldest and me.  

John is here working, so comic relief has been on board.  

Hand quilting was part of the day too.

1 comment:

Loni said...

Laundry for you should count in double-points. Luv ya!