Saturday, January 29, 2011

Accomplishment #29

I know it is still early in the day, but I don't know if I will accomplish anything else today or not that is not a quilting accomplishment.

My youngest is home this weekend, so he helped me with my first accomplishment of the day.  One I was waiting to finish with his help.  We cleaned off the top of the armoires in my bedroom.  He climbed the little ladder and handed everything down for me to sort.  One bag of items was thrown away.  Everything else was stored in more appropriate places.  We moved the jigsaw puzzles to where I will be able to get them after I have shoulder surgery.  I figure I will be doing lots of puzzles during my recovery.

I changed the battery in my thermostat. It was the one in my oldest's room, so no telling how long it had been blinking low.  

I did another load of laundry.  I hope to be folding some laundry in a minute or two.

I am still very weak, probably from lack of nourishment.  All I had yesterday was an egg, piece of toast, and a little mac and cheese with applesauce.  Food tastes horrible and I have a fear of the backlash, so it is very slow going. I am keeping fluids down, so my headache is much better.  

I did quite a bit of hand quilting last night and today Jill said she would take me to JoAnn's so I could find some orange thread.  I have to say that my stitches last night were amazing.  Even the youngest was impressed.  

1 comment:

Loni said...

Glad you are finding enjoyment in hand quilting the kitties. Your stitching is amazing...but then you had lots of practice on the turtle quilt. Luv U