Sunday, January 23, 2011

Accomplishment #23, continues and Brings Good Memories

Just threw out a lot of stuff!  Yeah me!

Most of it was little things of Raymond's that I had put in a box until I was ready to deal. 

Also found a bag of my Mom's recipes.  Most of them were from her days in Arkansas because there must be 40 blueberry recipes. My mom was a great cook.  I found her fried apple pie dough recipe.  She made the best fried apple pies.  

One time she made a huge plate full to welcome Raymond and me home for a vacation.  As soon as we walked in the door our mouths started watering.  It had been a long two days of  traveling on the road and we were starving.  Mom told us that several other family members were on their way to welcome us home.  Raymond and I took most of the plate of fried apple pies to the basement and ate them. We did not want to share them.  We figured those other relatives got fried apple pies all the time, we only got them once a year.  Man they were good.  Mom had dried the apples herself.  What a treat!

I have never made her fried apple pies.  I used to make fried chocolate pies, but I stopped frying things back in the '80s.  

Good memories!  My Mom never got over us doing that with her dessert.  She told that story all the time, only not to the relatives that we cheated out of pies.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Share the recipe!!
Sounds yummy.

I just planted 4 blueberry bushes. Maybe one of these days I'll need recipes. But right now they are pretty much just sticks. ;-D
