Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Why Does He Bother?

I asked my youngest to go to dinner with Loni and me tonight and he turned me down saying he was going to make himself eggs and toast.  When I got home I asked him if he made dinner and he said yes "eggs and toast."  

We had to run an errand but before we left I went into the kitchen and I noticed the skillet was clean,  As we were driving to our errand location I asked the youngest if he cleaned the skillet.  His response was interesting, at first he said "yes," but he promptly changed that to a "maybe" followed by a "I don't know."  Of course this made me very suspicious, but I left it alone ... until we got home.

When we arrived home I waited until he was busy to go and check the garbage for egg shells. None.  Just as I suspected.

I went in and asked the youngest again if he made eggs tonight.  He looked at me and realized I knew the truth and he admitted he had not.   

I asked him why he bothered to "lie" about it, and if he was going to "lie" why didn't he at least put an egg shell in the garbage, to which he replied "That would be the waste of a good egg."  

He has eaten now and I feel better.  I don't understand why he bothered to try to tell me he made eggs, when he had to have known I would figure it out.    Silly boy.

1 comment:

Loni said...

cause he's still a teen and didn't want to get in trouble... but then by telling a lie, he got in hot water anyhow.