Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Accomplishment #'10 and #11

Accomplishment #10 was working on my bedroom and continuing to clean out the junk and rearrange items.  Since the new bathroom is still not complete, I still have a lot of items stored in bedroom, but I am working on cleaning out items that are always in the bedroom.  

Accomplishment #11 was very small tonight since I had an arthrogram this afternoon and the pain is starting to kick in.  I went through a basket of items to see what was in the basket.  I found it stored away the other day full of different things, but no idea what was stored.  Turned out there were a lot of things in the basket that need to be stored in other places, but not until I can move without letting out a little scream.

1 comment:

Loni said...

I've missed your accomplishments the past couple of days; but the 12th was that you fed Loni a new dish with cooked spinach -and- got the kitchen back in order. The 13th you sorted laundry and did a load of jeans; plus got the kitchen back in order after Muffin detail. Plus whatever else you counted as accomplishments.