Sunday, January 23, 2011

Birds, Birds and More Birds, plus a Squirrel or Two

My backyard has been so full of birds lately I find myself sitting in the chair for an hour or more in the mornings watching them. 

The biggest population of late has been Blue Jays.  They fill the oak tree off the patio and squawk at everything.  They really don't like the squirrel. 

I have two squirrel feeders on the ground. For the last few mornings the Blue Jays have taken a dislike to the squirrel feeding at one of his feeders.  Now the second feeder is full of food and totally open for the taking, but they want Mr. Squirrel out of the other feeder.  One Blue Jay will swoop down and fly at the squirrel and he will shake them off to keep eating. Then the Blue Jay will sit next to him on the ground and make a lot of noise, which he ignores.  That Blue Jay will give up and go back into the tree and send another one down. 

I like that Mr. Squirrel stands his ground.  He knows that feeder is his and he is not going to take any lip off a bird just because it is rather large and loud.  We all could take lessons from Mr. Squirrel.

Mr. Woodpecker has been visiting in the mornings too.  I like looking out and seeing him. 

If Mr. Skunk is around, he hasn't made his presence known lately. 

I love my backyard.

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