Sunday, January 23, 2011

Accomplishment #23 goes on and on. No More Fish.

All that is left to do in my bedroom is dust, vacuum, and clean off the top of the armoires.  I will not be climbing a ladder while I am here at the house alone.  The top of the armoires will have to wait until the youngest has his first closed weekend of the semester or a travel weekend.

I couldn't believe how many little scraps of fabric I had.  All too big to toss, all a long way from being included in a project, but you never know when you will need that one piece to finish off a quilt.  

No big surprises this afternoon, except Mr. Rochester died.  I have no idea what attacked that fish tank but it was vicious.  I wonder if it was the plant bulbs that started to sprout.  I will have to clean it and set it back up.  Maybe I can get a new Mr. Rochester next weekend. Or a Jane and Eyre.  Poor Mr. Rochester.  He was so pretty and I enjoyed talking to him, Jeeves, Jenkins, Larry, Curly and Moe every night.  May they all swim happily in fish heaven. 


Deborah said...

reading all of your accomplishments has more that 1 effect:

1) you're getting LOTS done!!
2) you're making me feel lazy (true, but not fun to own that. Hmmppfhh)
3)You making me wonder what 300 books you have on the Kindle.

;-) You're an inspiration over there. I have a list of what I have to do this week. I'll post later at my site.

Cheryl said...


My accomplishments are long overdue. It is helping me tremendously to have accountability on this blog. It keeps me from coming home and doing absolutely nothing.

Today was a lot of work, especially since I basically had to use only one arm, but I am proud of how it looks now.

I wish I could figure out a way to show you all my Kindle books. I know they can be loaned out now, but I don't know how to do that.

You can always check out my reading list on the blog. A lot of those are on my archived area of my Kindle. Mostly I have free books. I can't help but download everyone of them that looks the least bit interesting.